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  10. Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit als Form von Behinderung
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  12. Don't Waste Your Sorrows: New Insight Into God's Eternal Purpose for Each Christian in the Midst of Life's Greatest Adversities
  13. Anxiety and Stress Management Toolkit (CD set with instruction manual).
  14. Zen O No Ser: Una Guia Espiritual
  15. Ravishment of Reason: Governance and the Heroic Idioms of the Late Stuart Stage, 1660–1690 (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650–1850)
  16. Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring boundaries in human-animal relationships (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics)
  17. Newfoundland and Labrador: A History
  18. Les Chaines Exegetiques Grecques Sur Les Psaumes. Contribution A L'Etude D'Une Forme Litteraire. Tome 2 (Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense)
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